Well, it's a new month... November and time for harvest. All the wonderful smells of fall! Apple
This is a very short blog but I hope you like it!
It's been a super busy year with my photography! All good but it makes it tough to check in with you guys. Those who really know me see I try to keep up on my Facebook and Instagram.
So, it is October 2nd when I snapped this pic and that means getting ready for winter and getting all my comfort food recipes are out!

We heat with our wood stove and oil heat. Since we mostly heat with wood we prepare all summer and fall. That being said it's not always an easy winter when you're lugging wood into the house and never mind the mess.... but, it keeps us warm and I do love the smell and sound of the crackling wood! It just calls comfort food & lots of coffee!

Pictured above is our Chocolate Lab Rescue "Willow" and our Yellow Labrador "Roxy". They love the wood stove and I trip over them 10x a day.... 😂 They're my 2 little squishy-cutenesses!!

So excited about our pumpkins that grew in our back field! No effort whatsoever! I literally threw them.....Ready? I threw them in our manure pile last year and this is what we've got here! LOL Lot's of pumpkin seeds in our future and I'll share some recipes next post!
My son Shane took it upon himself to take his sister and cousins for a tractor/hayride with his tractor. So ~ they all picked a pumpkin and got to take them home! Things I do like about Fall. It's just the winter that I don't particularly love....

This is one of our chicks above. The speckled eggs are what we get here. They also lay light brown and then we get some white. The colorful eggs above are a pic I took at the Fair this year. We used to get the bluish green eggs... Unfortunately, we lost our hens that used to lay those. We are looking to get more come spring.

Well, I think that's all I have for now. As the days get shorter and winter approaches I hope to have more time and more photos to share with you. Everyone stay warm and enjoy a latte! ;-) Thank you for listening and stopping by!