Sunday on the farm
Having a low key Sunday here on the Albert Homestead. Today I started my first Blog. So, here it goes...bare with me.
A little about me: My name is Jennifer Albert a.k.a Jen A. ( like Forest Gump )...... At least that's what my husband & friends call me! I love cooking, photography and time with my family here on our small horse farm. After being a certified dental assistant for 27 years, married for 21 years and having a teenage son and daughter. I have now decided to continue in the dental field part-time while pursuing my own businesses..... Yes, I am pursuing my photography business here at J.StarBarnPhotography and I am at the very beginning stage of getting my repurposed/refurbished furniture business up and running!

So, here on this blog you will see a lot of photography .... it will include Photo Sessions, Events, Animals, Food, Family and happenings in my life long journey. My goal with sharing this with you and starting my own business is to be home with my kids more and inspire others/you to reach their/your goals. I'm looking forward to sharing this with you and moving forward! Here's to a New Journey! Happy Sunday!